anxiety of the mind

As I sit here typing this I hope my thoughts escape my mind through my fingers onto the screen. I need relief from my wondering anxious mind. I keep thinking and overthinking stupid little things and creating a ball of anxiety that sits on my chest making it hard to breathe. If I could stop I would but its not that simple its never been or will be.  Anxiety isn’t butterflies in the stomach (you have no idea how much I miss that feeling) or stumbling on words when your crush says hi to you but its crippling, scary, physical and mental pain. Its almost like having a heart attack but there isn’t a thing you can do once a panic attack starts. It doesn’t just stop it  almost becomes apart of you. Sometimes you get a moment of relief and it scares you because you forgot how anxious you were because that all you know. I will always be this way. Its become who I am despite how much I hate it. I personally don’t think people fully “recover” sure you can go along time with out “symptoms” of mental illness but its still with you. when your sad your a little more sad then the usually person, when your nervous its a little more anxiety. You can get better and manage it but its with you. I don’t mean to be a gloomy person and you may believe that there is a cure and if that’s what you believe that’s cool but I don’t. 9 years I’ve lived the way I have and 5 of those years I have been n medications and in therapy and I have gotten better but is because I can manage it not because I am being cured. There is a difference.

♥ mac


This will be the place I share my story. I’m NOT doing this for attention or your pity, I am doing it for myself. This will be therapeutic for me and hopefully will open your eyes to what mental illness can be like and crush the stigma that follows it. As a warning some of my posts may be triggering but are not meant to be in any way! If you yourself are suffering with mental illness whither it be depression, anxiety, bipolar, or whatever know that you aren’t alone and there are ways to manage it! You are not your illness nor does it define you. xx

♥ mac